Sunday, March 20, 2011

Waking Up

Ahh! It feels good to have gotten some good sleep! We woke up about 20 minutes ago. In the mornings, we have this couple-thing of kinda doing our computer stuff individually as we wake up. That may change with Little Chix, unless we get up before her! Mr_S is fixing coffee now, of course! He brought a press and sugar packets and ground coffee from home. (You can imagine the mild debate quietly spoken on the flight to Frankfurt about deodorant v. coffee - from an earlier post! Coffee enabled Mr_S to survive that flight and deodorant would have enabled Miss_A to survive it better!) We should have bought paper towels at the store yesterday. And, our friends who bought frozen pizza may have a tough time cooking it: we have a 2 burner stove, microwave and little frig and sink to work with, but no oven. We look forward to their creative alternative if they have the same in their kitchen! Miss_A had Nestle Muesli blueberry oatmeal for breakfast and it was delicious! The servings are small compared to the amounts in American packets. No wonder people over here are so tiny. The milk is good here, too. ASk before you buy - they have pasturized and unpastureized (however it is spelled). And, Svetta wondered about our shampoo purchase: "Why do Americans always buy Head and Shoulders?" (when we purchased shampoo yesterday (because we didn't bring large toiletries, only toiletries that we could carry on)). It is because all other brands have conditioners and we just wanted shampoo. When you have to select based on limited knowledge, is the only brand that we knew what we'd get: no risk of accidentally buying only conditioner. It is citrus Heads and Shoulders to boot (has a lemon on the package)! Mmmmm, may remind Miss_A of the tangerine trip! Anyway, we are waking up more after the coffee and will write after the day's adventures. We will go to the downtown store today to check it out. We were teased that people in Kiev joke about this store because of the high prices, asking: "Is that the price or a phone number?!" Cute! More later today! Paka! (That is a cute bye-bye in Ukraine!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey y'all! Still recovering from my flight home last week Been wide awake since about 240AM. Stuart-did you get my E-mail? Just wondering. I fly back to Kyiv on Sunday night for three more weeks-this time, by myself. Hope all is well and keeping you in our prayers.
