Downtown Kiev, not far from our flat. Nice car! Pretty old buildings.
See the street car line? Cool!
KGB was housed in the pink buildings on the right. St. Sophia church at the end of this street. Was drizzly and snowy today. Miss_A ventured out, while Mr_S took care of his back, indoors. Too cold to walk much (didn't bring a heavy enough coat or a hat).
Kids park downtown. Dragon was great!
St. Sophia Church I believe.
St. Michaels church on the other end of this same street.
Statue to the left of St. Michael's church.
St. Michaels.
Memorial to the Ukraine Holocaust. It was a horrible time and I think it should be recognized. Here is a site about it:
Buildings across the street from the statue next to St. Michaels.
St. Sophias from St. Michaels with KGB's previous headquarters to the right.
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