Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chix Visit

This afternoon we will visit Little Chix again. This is the highlight of every day for us. We had a delightful time yesterday playing crazy eights card games and saying each color and number in English and in Russian (every person had to say both languages in order for it to count, but we helped each other all the time!) Then, Little Chix went for the technology! She loves apps! Today, we are bringing the new Hannah music from Papa and a unicorn puzzle. Chix LOVES Hannah! If she had her way, she'd want us to rename her Hannah (or as she says it: "Honna"), as she has asked several times! Sorry Little Chix! Maybe as a second nickname...


  1. I'm glad Dema hasn't asked us to call him Sponge Bob!!!

  2. Love the blogs...read them everyday...glad it is going well...L.
