Our attorney was able to get the kids' schedule for us so that we can mind to it as best possible when we get to America. We know Little Chix follows this schedule and she will soon be 13, so it is safe to say it is a pre-teen/tween schedule to say the least.
Here is the daily meal schedule:
7:20 oatmeal/kashi/buckwheat porrage, egg, cheese, bread, butter, tea or coffee
10:10 juice or fresh fruit
13:30 (1:30PM) supper: soup or borshch with meat, vegetables, pasta, meat, bread, dried fruit with sugar (compote)
16:00 (4PM) snack - cottage cheese crepes, milk, biscuit/cookie
19:00 (7PM) dinner: meat, vegetables, bread, dried fruit
20:30 (8:30PM) soft milk/yogurt (kefir = digestion aide)
Here is the daily activities schedule:
6:45-7 get up and go to the bathroom
7-7:10 morning gym/stretch
7:15-7:30 breakfast
7:30-7:40 get ready for school
7:40-12:00 school
12:00-13:30 (1:30PM) come back from school
13:30-14:00 (1:30-2:00PM) super
14:00-15:00 (2-3PM) relax/read/movie/nap
15:00-16:00 (3-4PM) do homework with teacher's help
16:00-16:30 (4-4:30PM) snack
16:30-18:00 (4:30-6PM) do same homework as before without the teacher's help
18:00-19:00 (6-7PM) work outside/outdoors
19:00-19:30 (7-7:30PM) dinner
19:30-20:30 (7:30-8:30PM) play
20:30-21:00 (8:30-9PM) brush teeth and get ready for bed
21:00-6:45 (9PM-6:45AM - 9.75 hours) sleep
We're praying for your court appointment today!