Happy Angel Day, Karina! Today is Your Day!
Today is also a holiday in Ukraine http://for-ua.org/ukraine/2011/04/07/093714.html?amp -- the Orthodox celebration of the annunciation.
According to the website above: "Today, Orthodox world celebrate one of the twelve major feasts – the Annunciation of the Theotokos. The first information about the Blagoveŝenii belong to 560, when Emperor Iustinian indicated the date of the Annunciation, 25 March (7 April calendar). Catholics celebrate the Annunciation on March 25. The Annunciation is the day when the Blessed Virgin Mary was the Archangel Gabriel, who said good news about the future birth of a son who would become the Savior of the world. According to legend, the Angel was holding a white lily is a symbol of purity and virginity, which depicts the Annunciation icons at all, according to UNIAN. Blessed are the only events – Apostle Luke the Evangelist. In the Gospel he says that in the 6th month after the conception of St. John the Baptist St. Gabriel Elisavetoj was sent by God to the Virgin Mary in Nazareth with news about the forthcoming birth of the Savior of the world: Angel into her, said: "rejoice, Fertile! Lord is with thee; Blessed art Thou among women, according to Church tradition, while Virgin Mary was the Archangel Gabriel, she read the book of Isaiah, namely the word Messiah's birth. "I am ready to become subservient to the latter, which would be given a Messiah," thought she was in that day had released birds at will. This tradition symbolizes the liberation of the soul from sin and sanctity of thoughts in such a light holiday. Annunciation believed spring holiday and welfare in nature. Many people are happy to take: this day you cannot perform any homework. Not even "bird nest on this day" Viet-told Ukrainians. It is believed that at the Annunciation and Pascha in hell not to torment sinners."
2011-04-07 09:37:14
So happy that your family is complete! She looks so happy! I can imagine how big your smiles are now!!! Safe travels!