Saturday, May 28, 2011

OK, here's a good one!

Mr. Bean, the whole bean! Netflix has these videos on demand, and the kids at Mariupol used to watch Mr. Bean! No language skills required to laugh at the funny humor! Karina and Papa are laughing their heads off!

So, here's to our weekend-holiday celebration for tonight:
* a bowl of cheese puffs 
* milk in a plastic wine glass
* Mr. Bean on the TV
* Robert and Big Kitty sitting next to the 3 of us

Lots of Fun!

Oh, and P.S. Karina slept with ALL the dogs last night. Needless to say, she didn't sleep. But, hat's off to her for being adventurous! (She was licked to the bone, and Twister cuddled way too close, she said.)

1 comment:

  1. Stuart, I have FINALLY talked to Anya about calling Karina. I can't find the post with the phone number. She has more than enough time to talk to her. Can you send me the phone number again? Thanks. Matt Garret
